My music videos are LIVE

Over the last month I have been involved in one of the most wonderful, stressful and creatively satisfying experiences of my entire career as a music artist.
That’s right - I’ve been up to neck in the process of making not one but THREE music videos! Previously in my recording career my role has been confied to singer songwriter, so this was my first experience with what it takes to produce a video.
Creatively, I’ve been in control of every aspect of making these videos. From choosing the songs, to deciding on the concepts for the videos, to overseeing the musical arrangements I’ve been in the drivers seat.
This was really important to me, because with each song I wanted to do it in a way that was competely unique. This meant all three tracks had to be completely re-mixed from scratch which was a massive undertaking.
Luckily I’ve had the most AMAZING team by my side all the way through including:
The Arc - video producers extraordinaire
Amelia Fuller, Shelley Veitch Mua, Shay Tibbetts - for make-up, hair, costumes and simply stunning work
Featured dancers and all the extras - your patience and enthusiasm is so appreciated.
My friends, family and of course my husband - photographer and backbone of the operation!

Its been a hard slog for everyone involved to get these videos ready for release and I think (and maybe I’m biased) that it was totally worth it!
But what I’d really love is for you to check out the videos here and tell me what YOU think!
Which one is your favourite? And what would you like to see next from me?
Love Jodie xxx